English to Maltese Meaning of life - ħajja

Life :

ħajja, eżistenza, għajxien, nifs, malajr, preżenza, entità, qed, sussistenza, heart's-demm, lonġevità, età, bijografija, twelid, filwaqt, parentela, ġenesi, sensi, konjizzjoni, sensazzjoni, sens, sensibilità, Wizard, saħħara, kreatura, organiżmu, annimali, ħaġa, ruħ inkorporati, vitalità, vigor, data, riħ, regola, kontroll, ħajja pubblika, pożizzjoni, ruħ, mod ta 'ħajja, -port, mod, karattru, imġieba, kondotta, Wight, attrazzjoni, jiġbed, trazzjoni, faxxinu, tpinġija, aspettattiva tal-ħajja

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Definitions of life in English
Noun(1) a characteristic state or mode of living(2) the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities(3) the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living(4) the condition of living or the state of being alive(5) the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death(6) the period between birth and the present time(7) the period from the present until death(8) a living person(9) animation and energy in action or expression(10) living things collectively(11) the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones(12) an account of the series of events making up a person's life(13) a motive for living(14) a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives
Examples of life in English
(1) animal life(2) From this process emerges spontaneous sketches and studied works from life or the imagination.(3) the person who saved my life(4) The worldly life and the religious life are always considered two sides of a coin in Islam.(5) the ice-cream vendors were the only signs of life(6) student life(7) prison life(8) little is known of his early life(9) It may have put me off female singers for life .(10) In just a few of them the constants have taken on the right values for the creation of stars, life and evolution.(11) The banks are green again after months of gloom and the margins are alive with life .(12) she brought a new life into the world(13) He was probably scarred for life , but his parents must have been delighted at their ingenuity.(14) In a matter of minutes, the hallway is not barren and lonely; it teems with life and sound.(15) she loves life in the fast lane(16) The prop and rudder were intact here as well, and the whole wreck was alive with life .
Related Phrases of life
(1) love life ::
imħabba tal-ħajja
(2) new life ::
ħajja ġdida
(3) half life ::
nofs ħajja
(4) such is life ::
bħal din hija l-ħajja
(5) way of life ::
mod ta 'ħajja
(6) for life ::
(7) life expectancy ::
għomor tal-ħajja
(8) life jacket ::
ġakketta tas-salvataġġ
(9) still life ::
ħajja xorta
1. existence ::
2. living things ::
affarijiet ħajjin
3. way of life ::
mod ta 'ħajja
4. lifetime ::
5. vivacity ::
6. moving spirit ::
ispirtu jiċċaqilqu
7. person ::
8. the way of the world ::
il-mod tad-dinja
10. life sentence ::
sentenza ħajja
12. life story ::
istorja tal-ħajja
13. living ::
1. lethargy ::
Different Forms
life, lifeless, lifelike
Word Example from TV Shows
If a person doesn't have a sense
of achievement in their real life...

If a person doesn't have a sense of achievement in their real LIFE...

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 3

JOY: Life is a series
 of choices, about which parts

JOY: Life is a series of choices, about which parts

Westworld Season 3, Episode 8

Friends are such an important part of life.

Friends are such an important part of LIFE.

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 2

This is your last life.

This is your last LIFE.

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 6

Do you want him to be mocked as a coward
for the rest of his life?

Do you want him to be mocked as a coward for the rest of his LIFE?

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 9

English to Maltese Dictionary: life

Meaning and definitions of life, translation in Maltese language for life with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of life in Maltese and in English language.

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