English to Maltese Meaning of crystallization - kristallizzazzjoni

Crystallization :


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Definitions of crystallization in English
Noun(1) the formation of crystals(2) a rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; external plane faces(3) a mental synthesis that becomes fixed or concrete by a process resembling crystal formation
Examples of crystallization in English
(1) Very often, these images are transcendentally brilliant, particularly those shot in crystalline black and white.(2) Changing the state of a substance with asymmetric bonds requires more energy than a crystalline structure would.(3) When it precipitates in the gall bladder it forms crystalline solids called gallstones.(4) Haematite is iron oxide - a grey form of the mineral that has a larger crystalline structure than the more familiar red stuff, or rust.(5) Cristobalite is a crystalline form of silica that has a diamondlike structure.(6) Crystal gems do not soak up water, because of their closely packed crystalline structure that does not permit water molecules to enter.(7) They consist of metals and nonmetals bound together in a crystalline or non-crystalline structure.(8) A crystalline metal is composed of a lattice of positively charged ions.(9) As more of the chains are caused to line up in an ordered manner, the polymer becomes more crystalline .(10) Quartz and gypsum are other familiar examples of crystalline structures.(11) Silicate minerals are classified primarily on the basis of their crystalline structure.(12) Saccharin is a white, crystalline powder that can be as much as 500 times sweeter than sucrose.(13) He credits this awesome landscape with inspiring many of the crystalline passages of prose that have illuminated his other books.(14) This usually leads to a physical structure that is crystalline in nature.(15) Glass itself does not have a crystalline structure as minerals do.(16) Bach invokes these emotions within a structure so crystalline that we can't begin to fathom its perfection.
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English to Maltese Dictionary: crystallization

Meaning and definitions of crystallization, translation in Maltese language for crystallization with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of crystallization in Maltese and in English language.

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