1. persist ::
2. continue ::
4. go on ::
5. keep on ::
iżommu dwar
6. keep going ::
ibqa 'għaddej
7. struggle on ::
ġlieda fuq
8. hammer away ::
martell bogħod
9. be persistent ::
tkun persistenti
10. be determined ::
jkun determinat
12. keep at it ::
jżomm dan
15. be tenacious ::
jkun tenacious
16. stand one's ground ::
stand wieħed art
18. hold on ::
19. go the distance ::
jmorru l-bogħod
20. stay the course ::
tissospendi l-kors
21. plod on ::
plod fuq
22. stop at nothing ::
tieqaf xejn
23. leave no stone unturned ::
jħallu tħalli xejn barra
24. soldier on ::
suldat fuq
25. hang on ::
26. plug away ::
plug bogħod
27. stick to one's guns ::
jeħel mal guns wieħed
28. stick it out ::
stick it out
29. hang in there ::
hang fil hemm