English to Maltese Meaning of occasion - okkażjoni

Occasion :

okkażjoni, iskop, għan, pereżempju, dawran, ħin, tużżana, qorti rjali, Durbar, avveniment, każ, okkorrenza, jiġri, ħaġa, korda, kapitolu, parti, att, assi, benefiċċju, konvenjenza, vantaġġ, favur, japprofittaw, barkun, pagament, dgħajsa, korrelazzjoni, konnessjoni kuntestwali, bidu, jippruvaw, rigward, raġuni, kawża, fini, bażi, opportunità, ċans, kamra, bżonn, rekwiżit, trid, użu

okkażjoni, rendiment, jipproduċu, jiġġeneraw, jitkabbru, tbid, jinduċi, jipprovokaw, kawża, iġibu, jagħmlu, jagħtu lok għal

okkażjoniikkawżatajagħtu lok għalokkażjonijiet
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Definitions of occasion in English
Noun(1) an event that occurs at a critical time(2) a vaguely specified social event(3) reason(4) the time of a particular event(5) an opportunity to do something
Verb(1) give occasion to
Examples of occasion in English
(1) it's the first time that I've had occasion to complain(2) Our certainty, whether grounded in reason or miraculous signs, affords no occasion to trust.(3) to mark the occasion(4) They marked the occasion with a celebration with family and neighbours.(5) His swimming marathon last summer was on the occasion of his 40th birthday.(6) The controversy provided a rare occasion for agreement between the ruling right and opposition left.(7) Raf was a great playmate to have around and could be serious when the occasion arose.(8) The occasion afforded staff the opportunity of paying tribute to a long-standing member of staff.(9) Some cultures decorate to celebrate a festive occasion , others to mark membership in a group or tribe.(10) The greatest occasion for celebration in a Kurd's life is marriage.(11) Instead of passing the ball off every time, he took shots around the arch when the occasion arose.(12) The special occasion gave guests the opportunity to meet the director, singers and dancers of the world renown opera.(13) They gave me a crystal wine glass to celebrate the momentous occasion .(14) by-elections are traditionally an occasion for registering protest votes(15) Last week there were celebrations to mark the occasion with Mass being celebrated by the new Bishop of Galway.(16) In 1979 Jimmy Carter used the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the lunar landing to push his energy program.
Related Phrases of occasion
(1) on occasion ::
(2) special occasion ::
okkażjoni speċjali
(3) rise to the occasion ::
lok għall-okkażjoni
(4) on this occasion ::
f'din l-okkażjoni
(5) on the occasion of ::
fl-okkażjoni tal
(6) on one occasion ::
f'okkażjoni waħda
(7) on the occasion ::
(8) formal occasion ::
okkażjoni formali
(9) auspicious occasion ::
okkażjoni awspiċju
(10) on another occasion ::
f'okkażjoni oħra
1. time ::
2. social event ::
avveniment soċjali
3. opportunity ::
4. reason ::
5. affair ::
6. juncture ::
7. cause ::
1. consequence ::
2. corollary ::
3. development ::
4. effect ::
5. fate ::
6. fruit ::
7. issue ::
8. outcome ::
9. outgrowth ::
10. product ::
11. result ::
12. sequel ::
13. sequence ::
14. upshot ::
Different Forms
occasion, occasioned, occasioning, occasions
Word Example from TV Shows
- Yeah, what's the occasion?
- No occasion.

- Yeah, what's the OCCASION? - No OCCASION.

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 19

I've been heroic on occasion.

I've been heroic on OCCASION.

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 6

- Yeah, what's the occasion?
- No occasion.

- Yeah, what's the OCCASION? - No OCCASION.

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 19

Oh, that's a nice surprise.
What's the occasion?

Oh, that's a nice surprise. What's the OCCASION?

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 5

I believe he brought his whores
on occasion.

I believe he brought his whores on OCCASION.

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 2

English to Maltese Dictionary: occasion

Meaning and definitions of occasion, translation in Maltese language for occasion with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of occasion in Maltese and in English language.

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